Step Dance Competition
This is a solo, percussive folk dance competition based on the old-time fiddle contest model, with music provided by a live band.
Common types of dance done to old- time fiddle music are flatfoot, buck, and clogging.
Competition registration categories are as follows: Youth (up to 17 yrs) Adult (18--59) and Senior (60 and up).
Shoes must be worn on dancer's feet, with or without taps.
All dancers will be required to dance either once or twice through a standard, old-time fiddle tune (approximately 30-60 seconds) with an introduction and a tag. Contestants will have the option to set the tempo, if they wish and let the musicians know if they prefer to dance once or twice through the tune. Dancers will also be given the option to dance a cappella (without music). a cappella dancers will be required to dance between 30-60 30 seconds.
All dancers will have the opportunity to choose the tune they will dance to in the competition from one of three tunes listed below. No other tune may be requested.

Photo by Dee Farnsworth
All dancers will have the opportunity to hear and dance to the selected contest tunes onstage, as a group, before the competition begins. This provides a nice warm-up for the dancers while giving the judges the opportunity to see all the varieties of skill level before the competition commences.
Contestants who win first place in their respective age category for three consecutive years, will be asked to retire from this competition until they are eligible for the next age category.
Variety of Steps: 25 Points
Timing: 25 Points
Musicality: 25 Points
Natural Overall Presentation:25 Points
Dancing Considerations:
Difficulty and variety of steps:
No matter how difficult or varied your steps are, they will not impress the judges if they are not performed in time with the music. A single step performed beautifully and consistently in time with the music will be given higher consideration than a variety of difficult, yet poorly executed steps.
Are your percussive steps in time with the music?
The judges will look for even, consistent rhythm.
Musicality: Do your steps reflect the dynamics of the music? Are you dancing the tune? Does your overall performance reflect the emotion of the music?
Natural overall presentation:
Are you relaxed, holding your body and tapping your feet in a way that is comfortable to you?
Cash and Gift Awards!
Here’s what to do:
Purchase your contestant ticket. You must purchase a ticket to compete.
Topanga Banjo Fiddle reserves the right to combine categories and/or eliminate or reduce the awards per category should there not be a sufficient amount of entries.
If you have questions, click HERE to send the Registrar an email.